Bracelet 133
1121221 1221211
| Small Diamond (middle): 1. Using the 7th thread on the left, make 1 fk and 1 fk/bk. 2. Using the 7th thread on the left, make 1 bk/fk and 1 fk. Small Diamond (left): 1. Using the 5th thread on the left, make 1 fk and 1 fk/bk. 2. Using the 5th thread on the left, make 1 bk/fk and 1 fk. Small Diamond (right): 1. Using the 5th thread on the right, make 1 bk and 1 bk/fk. 2. Using the 5th thread on the right, make 1 fk/bk and 1 bk. Large Diamond: 1. Using the 7th thread on the left, make 3 fk and 1 fk/bk. 2. Using the 7th thread on the left, make 2 bk and 1 bk/fk. 3. Make small diamond middle. 4. Using the 5th threads, make 2 fk on the left and 3 bk on the right.
1. Using the first threads, make 3 fk and 1 fk/bk on the left; 3 bk and 1 bk/fk on the right side. 2. Using the first threads, make 3 fk on the left; 3 bk on the right side. 3. Make small diamonds (4). 4. With the first threads, make 1 fk, 1 bk/fk and 1 bk on the left side, and 1 bk, 1 bk/fk and 1 fk on the right. 5. Using the 4th threads, make 3 fk on the right; 3 bk on the left side. 6. Using the 4th threads, make 1 bk/fk and 3 fk on the right; 1 fk/bk and 3 bk on the left side. 7. With the 6th threads, make 1 fk/bk, 3 bk and 1 bk/fk on the left side; 1 bk/fk, 3 fk and 1 fk/bk on the right side. 8. Make large diamond. 9. With the 3rd threads, make 3 fk and 1 fk/bk on the left side and 3 bk and 1 bk/fk on the right side. 10. With the first threads, make 5 fk on the left side and 5 bk on the right side. 11. Repeat from step 1 for pattern. |
posted by Heather | 4:28 PM
Bracelet 130
12222331 13322221
| Diamond * Using the 6th thread on the left, make 2 fk, 1 fk/bk. * Using the 6th thread on the left, make 1 bk/fk and 1 fk. 1. With the first threads, make 1 fk, 1 fk/bk and 1 bk on the left; and 1 bk, 1 bk/fk and 1 fk on the right side. 2. Using the third threads, make 2 fk and 1 fk/bk on the left; and 2 bk and 1 bk/fk on the right side. 3. With the second threads, make 3 fk on the left side, 3 bk on the right side. 4. Make diamonds on both sides using 6th threads, and once more with the middle threads. 5. Repeat from step 1 for pattern. |
posted by Heather | 4:19 PM
Bracelet 129
1122331122 2211332211
| 1. Using the first threads, make 3 bk and 1 fk/bk on the right; and 3 fk and 1 fk/bk on the left. 2. Using the first threads, make 3 bk on the right; and 3 fk on the left. 3. With the 10th thread on the left, make 4 fk and 1 fk/bk. 4. With the 10th thread on the left, make 3 bk and 1 bk/fk. 5. With the 10th thread on the left, make 4 fk. 6. With the 10th thread on the left, make 3 bk. 7. Make diamonds. 8. Repeat step 1 - 7, three more times before moving on. 9. Repeat step 2. 10. Using the first threads, make 2 bk on the right, and 2 fk on the left. 11. Repeat steps 5 and 6. 12. With the 10th thread on the left, make 3 fk. 13. With the 10th thread on the left, make 2 bk. 14. With the 6th thread on the left, make 1 fk and 1 fk/bk, and 1 bk. 15. With the 5th thread on the left, make 1 bk, 1 bk/fk and 2 fk. 16. Repeat steps 14 and 15 on the right side using appropriate knots. 17. Repeat from step 1 for pattern. |
posted by Heather | 4:14 PM
Bracelet 128
| 1. Using the first threads, make 3 fk and 1 fk/bk on the left; 3 bk and 1 bk/fk on the right side. 2. Make 1 fk with middle threads. 3. Using the first threads, make 3 fk on the left and 3 bk on the right side. 4. With the fifth threads, make 1 bk/fk on the left side, 1 fk/bk on the right, and 1 fk to join. 5. Repeat step 3. 6. Using the first threads, make 2 fk on the left and 2 bk on the right side. 7. With the fifth threads, make 1 bk and 1 bk/fk on the left side; 1 fk and 1 fk/bk on the right side. 8. Repeat step 2. 9. With the fourth threads, make 1 fk/bk on the left side and 1 bk/fk on the right side. 10. Repeat step 2. 11. With the first threads, make 1 fk, 1 fk/bk and 1 bk on the left; and 1 bk, 1 bk/fk and 1 fk on the right side. 12. With the fourth threads, make 2 bk and 1 bk/fk on the left side; and 2 fk and 1 fk/bk on the right side. 13. With the third threads, make 1 fk/bk on the left and 1 bk/fk on the right side. 14. Repeat step 4. 15. With the second threads, make 3 fk on the left side; and 4 bk on the right side. 16. Repeat from step 1 for pattern. |
posted by Heather | 3:54 PM
Bracelet 127
121212123 321212121
| 1. Using the 2nd thread on the left, make 1 fk/bk and 1 bk. 2. Using the 4th thread on the left, make 1 fk/bk and 3 bk. 3. Using the 6th thread on the left, make 1 fk/bk and 5 bk. 4. Using the 8th thread on the left, make 1 fk/bk and 7 bk. 5. Repeat steps 1 - 4 on the right side using appropriate knots. 6. With the 9th thread on the left, make 9 fk. 7. With the 9th thread on the left, make 8 bk. 8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 three more times decreasing knots by 2 each time. 9. Make 1 fk using middle threads. 10. Repeat from step 1 for pattern. |
posted by Heather | 3:52 PM
Bracelet 126
11221122 22112211
| | 1. Using the 8th thread on the left side, make 3 fk.
2. With the fifth thread on the right side, make 1 bk.
3. Using the 5th thread on the right side, make 3 fk.
4. With the first thread on the right side, make 1 bk.
5. Using the 8th thread on the left side, make 1 bk. 6. With the sixth thread on the left side, make 1 fk. 7. With the sixth thread on the left side, make 3 bk.
8. Using the 2nd thread on the left side, make 1 fk.
9. With the first thread on the left side, make 1 bk. (First inverted V completed.)
10. Using the 8th thread on the left side, make 1 fk. |
11. With the 7th thread on the right side, make 1 bk.
12. Using the 7th thread on the right side, make 3 fk.
13. With the 3rd thread on the right side, make 1 bk.
14. With the 3rd thread on the right side, make 2 fk.
15. Using the 8th thread on the left side, make 1 bk.
16. With the 6th thread on the left side, make 1 fk.
17. With the 6th thread on the left side, make 3 bk.
18. With the 2nd thread on the left side, make 1 fk.
19.With the 2nd thread on the left side, make 1 bk.
20.Repeat from #1 for pattern. |
posted by Heather | 12:32 PM
Bracelet 125
| 1. With the first thread on the left, make 8 fk and 1 fk/bk. 2. With the first thread on the left, make 6 fk and 1 fk/bk. 3. With the first thread on the left, make 1 fk, 1 fk/bk and 1 bk/fk. 4. With the 3rd thread on the left, make 2 fk and 1 fk/bk. 5. With the 3rd thread on the left, make 1 bk and 1 bk/fk. 6. With the 3rd thread on the left, make 1 fk and 1 fk/bk. 7. With the 7th thread on the left, make 1 bk and 1 bk/fk. 8. With the 2nd thread on the left, make 3 fk. 9. 9th ls 4bk Using the 9th thread on the left, make 4 bk. 10. Repeat steps 1 - 9 on the right side using appropriate knots. |
posted by Heather | 12:21 PM
Bracelet 124
1211 222222 1121
| 1. With the first thread on the left, make 6 fk and 1 fk/bk. 2. With the 2nd thread on the left, make 1 bk. 3. With the 3rd thread on the left, make 2 bk. 4. With the 4th thread on the left, make 2 bk and 1 bk/fk. 5. With the 4th thread on the left, make 2 fk. 6. With the 3rd thread on the left, make 1 fk and 1 fk/bk. 7. With the 7th thread on the left, make 2 bk. 8. With the 2nd thread on the left, make 3 fk. 9. Using the 6th thread on the right, make 4 fk. 10. Repeat steps 1 - 9 on the right side using appropriate knots. |
posted by Heather | 12:13 PM
Bracelet 123
111 22 333 444 22 111
| First Triangle 1. Using the second thread on the left, make 1 bk/fk and 2 fk. 2. Using the second thread on the left, make 1 bk/fk and 2 fk. 3. Using the second thread on the left, make 1 bk/fk. 4. For right triangle, change fk to bk and vice versa. Second Triangle 1. Using the first thread on the left, make 2 fk and 1 fk/bk. 2. Using the first thread on the left, make 1 fk, 1 fk/bk, 1 bk. 3. For right triangle, change fk to bk and vice versa. Check Diamond 1. With the 8th thread on the left, make 1 fk. 2. With the 7th thread on the right, make 1 bk. 3. With the 7th thread on the right, make 1 fk. 4. Repeat steps 2, 3, 2. 5. With the 6th thread on the left, make 1 fk. 6. Repeat steps 2 and 1. |
1. Using the 4th threads, make 3 fk on the left and 4 bk on the right side. 2. Using the 4th threads, make 1 fk/bk, 2 bk and 1 bk/fk on the left; 1 bk/fk, 2 fk and 1 fk/bk on the right side. 3. Using the 6th thread on the left, make 3 bk. Repeat using the 7th thread. 4. Using the 7th thread on the left, make 1 fk/bk and 2 bk. 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 on the right side using appropriate knots. 6. Using the 7th threads, make 1 fk on the left and 2 bk on the right side. 7. Using the 6th threads, make 2 fk on the left and 3 bk on the right side. 8. Using the 2nd threads, make 6 fk on the left and 7 bk on the right side. 9. Complete first triangles. 10. Using the 5th threads, make 3 bk and 1 bk/fk on the left; 3 fk and 1 fk/bk on the right side. 11. Using the 5th thread on the left, make 3 fk. Repeat using the 4th and 3rd threads. 12. Repeat step 12 on the right side using appropriate knots. 13. Complete check diamond. 14. Complete second triangles. 15. Repeat from step 1 for pattern. |
posted by Heather | 12:01 PM
Bracelet 122
111 222 111 222
| 1. Using the 3rd thread on the left, make 3 fk. Repeat using the 2nd and the first threads. Then again using the 4th, 5th and 6th threads on the right side.
2. With the 2nd thread on the left, make 1 bk.
3. With the 3rd thread on the left, make 2 bk. 4. Using the 6th thread on the right, make 3 bk. Repeat using the 5th and 4th threads. 5. Using the first thread on the right each time, make 2 bk, then 1 bk.
6. Repeat from step 1 for pattern. |
posted by Heather | 7:11 AM
Bracelet 121
1111 2222 3333
| | 1. Using the first thread on the left each time, first make 3 fk, then 2 fk, then 1 fk. 2. Using the 5th thread on the left, make 4 bk. Repeat using the 6th thread.
3. With the 6th thread on the left, make 4 fk. 4. With the 5th, 4th and 3rd threads on the left, make 1 fk each.
5. With the 7th thread on the left, make 2 bk. Repeat with the 8th thread. 6. With the 4th thread on the left, make 2 fk.
7. With the 8th, 7th and 6th threads on the left, make 1 fk each.
8. With the 2nd thread on the right, make 4 bk. Repeat with the first thread. 9. Using the first thread on the right each time, first make 3 bk, then 2 bk, then 1 bk. 10. Repeat from step 1 for pattern. |
posted by Heather | 7:06 AM
Bracelet 120
11 22 3333 44 55. 1 - pink, 2 - green, 3 - black, 4 - orange, 5 - blue
| | 1. Using the 6th thread on the left, make 2 fk. Repeat with the 5th thread. 2. With the 4th thread on the right, make 2 bk. Repeat with the 3rd thread on the right. 3. With the 4th thread on the left, make 4 fk. Repeat with the 3rd thread on the left. 4. With the 2nd thread on the left, make 2 fk. Repeat with the first thread on the left. 5. With the 2nd thread on the right, make 4 bk. Repeat with the first thread on the right. 6. With the first threads, make 1 fk on the left and 1 fk on the right. 7. On the left side, make 4 bk with the 5th thread; and 5 bk with the 6th thread. 8. On the right side, make 2 fk with the 3rd thread; and 3 fk with the 4th thread. 9. With the 6th thread on the left, make 4 fk. Repeat using the 5th thread. 10. Repeat step 7. 11. With the 2nd thread on the right, make 2 bk. Repeat with the first thread on the right. 12. With the first thread on the right, make 1 bk. 13. Repeat from step 1 for pattern.
posted by Heather | 6:43 AM
Update on it's way...
I know I've been saying that forever... I'm even sick of myself saying it. The truth is I'm actually doing a mini-overhaul of the entire site and because of that it's actually taking longer than I care for.
A few long standing pages will be moved, so I have to be extra careful that no links are broken and everything is still available. There are also some new pages that can't be completed until the new set is fully finished, so I'm juggling a few balls.
In the meantime, I'll be posting the patterns (hopefully all) of the new set over the next few days. Yes, yes, shame on me for having 2 sets of patterns here without a site update.
I try, I really do...
posted by Heather | 6:35 AM