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Friday, June 29, 2007

Bracelet 129

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  • 1. Using the first threads, make 3 bk and 1 fk/bk on the right; and 3 fk and 1 fk/bk on the left.

    2. Using the first threads, make 3 bk on the right; and 3 fk on the left.

    3. With the 10th thread on the left, make 4 fk and 1 fk/bk.

    4. With the 10th thread on the left, make 3 bk and 1 bk/fk.

    5. With the 10th thread on the left, make 4 fk.

    6. With the 10th thread on the left, make 3 bk.

    7. Make diamonds.

    8. Repeat step 1 - 7, three more times before moving on.

    9. Repeat step 2.

    10. Using the first threads, make 2 bk on the right, and 2 fk on the left.

    11. Repeat steps 5 and 6.

    12. With the 10th thread on the left, make 3 fk.

    13. With the 10th thread on the left, make 2 bk.

    14. With the 6th thread on the left, make 1 fk and 1 fk/bk, and 1 bk.

    15. With the 5th thread on the left, make 1 bk, 1 bk/fk and 2 fk.

    16. Repeat steps 14 and 15 on the right side using appropriate knots.

    17. Repeat from step 1 for pattern.

    posted by Heather | 4:14 PM