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Saturday, September 16, 2006

Bracelet 110

1111 23232323 4444

Left side Triangle
1. With the first thread, make 3 fk.
2. With the first thread, make 2 fk.
3. With the first thread, make 1 fk.
4. For right side triangle, substitute bk for fk.
1.With the 5th thread on the left side, make 4 bk.
2.Repeat step 1 three more times, using threads 7, 9 and 11.
3.With the 5th thread on the right, make 4 fk.
4.With the 6th thread on the right, make 3 fk.
5.With the 7th thread on the right, make 2 fk.
6.With the 8th thread on the right, make 1 fk.
7.With the 6th thread on the right, make 1 bk.
8.With the 4th thread on the right, make 2 bk.
9.With the 2nd thread on the right, make 3 bk.
10.With the 8th thread on the left side, make 4 fk.
11.Repeat step 10 three more times, using threads 6, 4 and 2.
12.Make left and right side triangles.
13.Repeat from step 1 for pattern.

posted by Heather | 11:25 AM


Hey, just thought I'd let you know that the instructions you set up (on the page where you go to set 6 then click bracelet #110) are slightly wrong. You have the set up numbers and colors like (12121 etc) different from this post and there incorrect. Just thought I'd let you know so you can change it. :]

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:17 PM  

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